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Case Study: Trump Hotel Collection

Transitioning the luxury hotel’s accounts payable from paper checks to electronic payment


In sharp contrast to the world-class amenities and customer service provided by luxury hotel brands, back-end systems in the hospitality industry have remained intensely manual and inefficient.

The Solution

“It’s tough for me to give anyone a 10, but I’m struggling to find a reason NOT to give them a 10. The CSI team has been amazing to work with, including the ease of transition, follow-up, reporting…It’s a win-win.”

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CS-side-Trump Hotels
  • "It’s a win-win. You really can’t go wrong in this partnership.”

    Mike Straube Corporate Director of Finance, Trump Hotel Collection

Benefits of the globalVCard accounts payable system

No Cost

Our small admin fee is offset by the new revenue you’ll earn, making globalVCard a no-cost enterprise solution.

New Revenue

Earn monthly cash back rewards based on virtual card spend, generating new revenue just by paying your bills.


Easily integrates with existing ERP or accounting system to simplify reconciliation and save staff time.


Single-use virtual card numbers become invalid once the transaction is complete, eliminating the risk of stolen card numbers or lost checks.

Greater Efficiency

globalVCard paysystems automates payments, mirroring existing workflow processes while eliminating the risk of manual errors.

Fully Supported

CSI handles 100% of the initial vendor enrollment and will fully train and support your team with our award-winning customer service.

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