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Improve the Way You Book Corporate Travel

Book Air or Rail

Custom location searches, unused tickets notifications, and compliance policy alerts.

Book Hotel

Interactive booking map with built-in compliance parameters including preferred hotel choices.

Book Car

Interactive booking map similar to hotel plus add-on options for navigation and other features.

Booking Business Travel Has Never Been Easier

  • Control and Compliance: Say farewell to rogue employee spending with built-in approval tools including preferred travel supplier rates and secure corporate payment options.
  • Duty of Care: Gain full visibility of your travelers, at all times.
  • Mobile Convenience: Give travelers access to authorization forms and virtual cards.
  • Executive Friendly: Select from multiple travel policies.
  • Secure Payments: Keep criminal creepers at bay with single-use virtual credit card numbers generated at time of booking to pay for travel.
  • Robust Reporting: Enjoy compliance policy reports, travel locator map for increased duty of care, and unused ticket reports.
  • Simplified Reconciliation: Experience a streamlined process where every reservation is tied to a specific virtual card number.
  • Phenomenal Support: Get the customer service you need 24/7 via live chat, phone, text, or email.
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Powered by AmTrav

Corporate Travel Booking Tool

Real-time access to all published and negotiated travel rates are powered by AmTrav’s online booking tool which is seamlessly integrated with the CSI globalVCard payment platform.

AmTrav also acts as the Travel Management Company (TMC) for corporate travelers using the booking tool instead of a business travel agency. Reservations are automatically accessible via the globalVCard mobile app where travelers can view details and send hotel authorization forms directly from their phone.

The globalVCard virtual card solution ensures employee compliance with corporate travel management policies through automated approvals that allow only authorized purchase types and amounts. Virtual credit card numbers can be assigned per transaction to simplify expense reconciliations and eliminate the risk of fraud often associated with stored credit card numbers

* The Online Booking Tool supports payments in US dollars for domestic and international travel reservations.

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